So you may know that I nanny an adorable three year old. Well, we were looking for something fun to do, and I remembered as a kid that I used to love picking strawberries and apples at various farms in Maine. Well, they don’t have those places here, but I did find a really great blackberry farm. Even better, it’s picking season NOW!
The one I went to is Boyd Mill Farm. It’s in Franklin and the drive is just beautiful! Here’s the
website with all the information.
In addition to these beautiful berries, they have a little store with homemade jam and pancake mix, and other things that they grow. It is completely quaint.
A whole gallon of berries is only $18! That’s all we needed for our jam plans.
Just a hint: Don’t pick the red ones, and if you want them sweet, choose the big fat ones that hide near the bottom.
We used a very simple, all natural recipe (click
here) that had no preservatives and was VERY good!
Pretty much you just mash it up, add a few ingredients and cook it on the stove (watch for bugs!!!).
Ta da! A gallon of berries perfectly fit 12 jars. It’s sooooo good!
So, the season is now! Make jam and some memories, and if you want to book a photo session there with me, let me know!