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Sarah-Marie Smith

I’m a Nanny! This is Good News For You.

I have news! I’ve made a big move in my life, one I am very happy about. I’ve become a nanny! This is a big step for me because it’s closer to what I want to do forever, which is raise my own kids at home (photography will always stay on the weekends, it’s one of the main reasons I chose that profession in the first place), and become a foster parent. I have learned a lot, and hopefully made a difference, by being a Preschool teacher for the last year and a half, and I’m glad to be taking that knowledge on with me. Now, I’ll be able to implement specific things into one-on-one attention with my new little charge, Evan. He’s a doll! Smart as a whip, cuter than any kid on TV, and full of energy! I’ll be continuing sign language with him (New Moms- this is SO beneficial! Even after they are talking keep it going, it helps with sentence structure too!), I’ve learned a lot about crafts (art is not a natural talent of mine), and I now know a whole lot more about boys! Before having worked at my school, I knew lots and lots about little girls, but not nearly enough about boys! I feel like I’m better with boys now!

Anyway all this excitement is to not only share my big news, but to let you know that very likely, the focus of more of my personal blogs on Mondays will be about kids and crafting, science experiments and tricks to dealing with things like potty-training! Not always, but because kids are something I am so passionate about, and soon Jason and I will be heading in that direction, it just makes sense. That’s why this news is good for you too, especially if you’re a mom or nanny. Look below:

That’s a snapshot of my Pinterest Nanny board. I’ll be updating it frequently, and adding new things all the time. This month it’s all about Christmas crafts! So, since I’ve been working with kids professionally for 8 years, and having lots of causal experience with them before that, I tend to have a lot of answers. However, I am not so delusional as to think I know it all! I’ll bet anything that in five years I’ll look back and scoff at the so-called knowledge I have now. So that being said, I welcome, and beg, for your suggestions and advice too! If you’re a super nanny or mom, let me know your secrets! Write me in comments, or if you have a lot to say, send me an email and maybe I’ll even have you do a guest blog! What are your daily routines? What is your fall back activity that never fails to get their attention? What are your best memories of times with your kids? I want to know!

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