Ever been cave exploring before? When I was a kid, I used to read The Boxcar Children, and I vaguely remember a book where they went through a cave. Amazingly, it stuck with me, and now I think of that every time I think of caves. Well, until now. Mammoth Cave. Whoah. It’s huge (obviously) and spectacular, and I completely recommend you making a trip there. It’s in KY, about an hour and a half from Nashville, and it’s very little money. We spent $12/person to go on a guided two-hour tour of the cave (the Historic Tour), and it was totally worth it. There are little gift shops and small places to eat, plus lots of hiking trails and scenery. The even have lantern tours, which I am definitely doing next time. Anyway, here’s the iPhone pictures that we took along the way. I hope you make a trip, it’s awesome! Oh, and it stays 50 degrees no matter the weather, so wear a jacket!
Thanks Erin and Kyle for exploring with us, we had such a great time with you, as always. Now on to saving for Harry Potter World again 🙂