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Me, the Do-It-Yourselfer ||DIY Headboard

Sarah-Marie Smith

Me! I did this! What?!

I’m not very crafty. Granted, I want to be crafty, and I try really hard, but it doesn’t come natural to me. I would love to learn how to do woodwork and make jewelry, or come up with cool crafts and learn to paint, but if I ever do that, it will take me a lot of time and effort. So, since I am now a stay at home mom with no kids while I wait for our foster placement, I have time to spare, so I’m getting stuff done! I decided that our kids room is REALLY cute, but not totally complete. I have two ideas in mind, and one I completed in one day! I made a headboard! This blog won’t be a step by step blog, but I will post the link to where I learned how to do this. It’s surprisingly easy and fast and I really love the result.

This was the bed before. It just looks lonely in that corner and needed a boost. At first I measured for just a headboard, but later saw what it looked like with a corner piece, and decided to do that instead.

I got all of my supplies at Home Depot and Joann’s. Altogether, it was about $100, but I also had to buy a staple gun and staples, so I was completely starting from scratch. I got board, batting, fabric, a staple gun, staples, and a hanging mount (which I later returned). Here’s the blog I followed to do this:

The hardest part of this by far was picking out the fabric and then hanging the headboard up. I needed something neutral, and all the fabrics I liked were too girly or too expensive. I ultimately found one, but I spent a lot more time at Joann’s than I anticipated. We tried hanging mounts to attach the headboard to the wall, but the board was so thin (I used 1/4 inch) that the screws would poke through the wood. We finally ended up just using huge nails and nailing it to the wall, but BOY it took a long time. Since nailing it to the wall was not my original goal, I hadn’t made pilot holes and it took a lot of elbow grease to finally get it up. I do like the way it looks though, and when I find out if we are getting a boy or a girl, I will cover those holes with the appropriate colored buttons.

Ta da! I just love this little nook and how it turned out! It’s comfy and secure, and makes it look like the bed is more permanent. What do you think? Do you like the polka dots?!

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